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Birch Run Area Schools

We are pleased to welcome you to the web page of the Birch Run Board of Education. Your presence on this page shows you care about education and take an interest in your local schools. This information is provided to guide you through a meeting and help you communicate with the Board.

Mission Statement


 Vision Statement


Belief Statement

1. Birch Run Area Schools Staff and Faculty believe all students can learn and that the school will make a positive difference for students.

2. There are many differing ways in which children can learn and succeed and educators are responsible for finding best ways and means to help students achieve success.

3. A quality Curriculum and constantly improving instructional strategies are essential to optimal learning.

4. A child’s learning takes place along a continuum; a philosophy of continuous progress is necessary for benchmarking a student’s success.

5. The business of the District and each school is the equitable and appropriate education of its children.

6. A climate of high expectation for all and a welcoming environment produce optimal teaching and learning.

7. Schools reach out to, and depend upon, home, family, and community to support the education of each child.

8. School and community must evaluate (through data) the effectiveness of each goal achieved and the success of each student.

9. Students can demonstrate basic grade level skills and grow socially and emotionally, given the time, resources, and developmentally appropriate instruction.

10. The purpose of a school is to educate all students to the highest possible level of academic performance, while fostering positive growth in social/emotional behaviors and attitudes, so that students can attain their maximum educational potential.

What We Do

As trustees of the Birch Run School District, we are responsible for setting educational policies consistent with state and federal laws governing public education. As representatives of the electorate, we attempt to provide programs that meet the educational objectives of the community. In addition, we are responsible for the District's resources. We also serve as a board of appeals. Individually and as a Board, we work as concerned citizens for the improvement of public schools. A quorum of four board members is needed to conduct official School District business. The Superintendent and Administrative Staff are present at Board meetings to provide reports and background information. Minutes are recorded at every meeting.

Proposed minutes are available within eight business days after the meeting. Approved minutes are available within five days after the meeting in which the board approves them and are posted on our website.

We Listen to Your Concerns

All regular meetings of the Board of Education include "public comments." The Board values this opportunity to listen to the concerns of parents, students and other community members. To allow for complete participation from the attending public, please limit your remarks to five minutes. If you prefer, you may express your concerns by letter. Please include all essential information. Each trustee receives a copy of every letter. You may also call 989-624-9307 to leave a message for board members. The telephone message will be transcribed and delivered to all trustees.

How We Are Elected

The Board consists of seven School District residents who serve overlapping terms of four years each. They are elected at the annual school election the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Any registered voter who lives in the Birch Run School District may vote in school elections.

Our Meetings

Regular Board meetings are held the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the High School Media Center (there may be exceptions depending on holidays and other conflicts). Finance Committee meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. prior to the Regular Board meetings in the Administration Building Boardroom. The Committee meeting is to discuss the financial condition of the District and no action will take place. All meetings of the Board are open to the public except those specifically exempted by law. When a special meeting is necessary, public notice is given at least eighteen hours prior to the meeting, as per legal requirements.  By law, Closed Sessions may be called to discuss certain personnel actions, student discipline cases, contract negotiations, some property transactions and for consultation with attorneys on pending litigation.

Our Agenda

Agendas are provided at the Board meeting. Agendas may be picked up in advance at the Administration Building on the day of the meeting or you may obtain a copy by visiting the website, under the "Departments" drop down menu, select "Board of Education" then select "Meeting Agendas and Minutes", this will take you to Boardbook where you can view current and past meeting agendas and approved minutes.

Board Members:

Tom White - President

Katie Barnum - Vice President

Cindy Parker - Secretary

Ryan Rigda - Treasurer

Kristy Albrecht - Trustee

Lee Engelhardt - Trustee

Christina Young - Trustee



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